
Our NAEYC accreditation is an extension of our philosophy and ensures that we:

Promote positive relationships among children and adults
Implement a curriculum that promotes learning and development of the whole child
Use developmentally and culturally appropriate and effective teaching practices
Have strong standards of health and safety
Hire only highly qualified teachers and teaching assistants
Have low teacher-child ratios



The CDC uses a variety of teaching approaches to support our play-based philosophy by implementing thematic, emergent, Play to Learn®, Handwriting Without Tears® and Heggerty Phonemic Awareness® curriculums. Teachers develop lesson plans that promote learning through play, encouraging wonder and discovery through developmentally appropriate activities while utilizing the curriculums.

Our focus is on the “whole child” as children develop new skills both independently and in cooperation with peers across all learning domains. Our teachers introduce concepts in ways that build upon previous knowledge, providing a logical sequence of learning experiences while differentiating the needs of each child and individualizing the instruction. Our curriculum is woven into routines and transitions, planned and spontaneous activities, indoor and outdoor play, interactions with peers and teachers, and child-led and teacher-directed activities. Additionally, our preschool program utilizes the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines as a benchmark for planning learning experiences for all children three to five years of age.


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